Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Computer Educaton2009

Computer Education Degree program is geared for students who are interested in teaching in a K-12 or community college classroom environment. Like all MA in education, a Computer Education Degree helps students develop and enhance their computer knowledge as well as curriculum and instruction repertoire. Computer Education program integrates technology with assessment and evaluation practices to prepare students for effective classroom instruction; there is a particular focus on how computers fit into the realm of education.
Because today's world is run by technology, it is more important than ever for students to be able to use computers in every day life. However, computer teachers need to know much more than just computers; most Master of Arts: Computer Education programs include computing languages, and several types of communication courses. You also get to study the ways that people learn and use their technological information to learn about planning courses and designing teaching materials.
It is important to keep in mind that admission to graduate programs is competitive.


1. Graphics
-Animated Graphics
-Teaching and Testing
-Bar codes for pricing and inventory
4.Law Enforcement
-National fingerprint files
-Computer modeling of DNA
-Forecast weather
-Prcess immigrants
6.The Home
-Educational Tool
7.Health and Medicine
-Diagnose illnesses
-Factory work
9.The Science

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